
Learn the 3 Main Causes of Breast Cancer  AND...

A "3-Minute Morning Routine" That Reduces Your Chances of Getting It!

(Watch In Full Screen Mode)

*Heredity is less of a factor than people think. The American Cancer Society reports, "Less than 10% are linked to genes/inherited."

Do you want more?

Get Flusher3, a more advanced sequence that significantly boosts immune system, energy-levels, brain clarity, and calm.

It's a few more movements and takes a little longer (and a little harder :) but works even better!

Join Our Community and Get Free Access to Flusher3 Now

How is this more powerful than eating healthy or taking antioxidants?

The Flusher3 boosts immune health that reduce chances of getting breast cancer (or any other cancer) even more by:

  1. Boosting your body's own production of antioxidants which are 2x-3x more powerful than external means.
  2. Using a scientific method that specifically targets the root cause of cancer:  A stagnant lymph system that leads to oxidative stress, which then leads to cancer.
  3. Boosting your body's production of serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.

You can start improving it. The great part is you feel the results instantly. You get free instant access to the video instruction on it.

What you get in the FREE instructional:

  1. A scientific sequence of movements that targets the most important lymphatic ducts for immediate improvement of the lymph system responsible for breast cancer. It also helps improve low-energy (fatigue), brain-fog, and anxiety.
  2. How to modify each movement to your physical condition
  3. How many times, and for how long, you should do each movement

*You'll also be given the opportunity to get more information on special herbs, foods, and advanced movements that accelerate lymphatic and mitochondrion health so that you can achieve greater energy, health and even fitness.

What are others saying?...


I felt it working immediately!

You can feel that it's doing something deep down inside. I feel stronger already! It's incredible!

Chris r. (59)


This may be too much information but... 

I wasn't getting any bowel movement for the past 2 days so I decided to try this, and wow! Went to the bathroom immediately after doing it! Love it!



Wow! I was stretching muscles I didn't realize I had!

Since I sit in front of a computer all day, I could feel the benefits of these movements. They help reduce my aches and pains in my neck and body. Love it! Thank you!

Kim (56)

James Ko, Nutrition & Performance Specialist, Fitness & BMI Scientist, Sports Physical Therapist & Over 50 Dad

Who is James Ko?

James Ko is a Performance & Nutrition Specialist (but best known as a research geek and scientist).

He's worked over 20 years as a Sports Physical Therapist helping athletes improve performance both on and off the field.

He recently decided that he can't sit by and watch false information fly across the internet.

"Why is the mainstream advice merely pushing more and more products and drugs when it's not a 'consumption' issue?  Even those who exercise and eat healthy can get this problem."

Maybe it's greed to sell more products... 

Maybe it's to keep us unhealthy...

Whatever the reasons, he's decided to do something about it.

So, James created the "Flusher" solution that laser-targets the root cause and delivers superior results for can improve low energy, brain-fog, and anxiety and diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases.

For more than 20 years, he's helped patients, CEO's, postpartum moms, athletes, kids (people of all walks of life) quickly and safely get healthy, strong and fit.

His mission is to shake-up the health, fitness, and medical industry by offering groundbreaking programs that deliver superior results. But more importantly, teach it in a step-by-step way so anyone can learn it.

You can learn more about James Ko in his social profiles.

DISCLAIMER:  This program is not intended to imply that we diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Users should not disregard, or delay in obtaining, medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. If you have, or were told you have, any medical condition that limits your physical activity, or had prior surgery on the spine, you should consult your healthcare professional or doctor before acting on any content on this website.
