An Exciting Combination of Yoga & Pilates for Total Body Transformation
Even if you have...
-Stubborn Fat That Won't Go Away
-Joint Aches & Pains
-Failed in Other Programs Before
-Parents Who Were Overweight
Especially if you have...
-High Cholesterol
-High Blood Pressure
-Thyroid Issues
-Hormone Imbalance
-Low Metabolism
-Sugar Addiction
-Lack of Energy
These are just labels and not an explanation of what's causing it.
Sept 21 (Sat) at 10am -or- Sept 24 (Tue) at 6:30pm
This is Specifically For...
People Who Want to Improve Their Body & Health
With a True Fix Without Spending a Lot of Time, Energy and Money
The Key to a Lean and Tone Body...
lies within a unique approach called the "3D Method". It rapidly turns on the fat-burning switch and primes your body for maximum health and weight loss. It works on even the most stubborn areas like the belly, thighs, and hips.
Don't Trust Your Body to Just Anyone.
WHO you choose to help fix your body makes the difference between success and failure.
This is an opportunity for you to get straight to real results without wasting any time or money.
Most Attempts Fail
According to Forbes, Surgeon General, and U.S. National Library of Medicine, most programs don't last and don't work for the long term.
People are spending a lot of money and time on things like*...
- Fad Diets
- Lengthy Exercises
- Gym memberships
- Personal Trainers
- Youtube Exercises
- Doctors
- Equipment
- Infomercials
- Pills
- Supplements
But these are proven to be temporary at best requiring a person to do them forever which adds to the frustration and cost. Some don't even work at all (and some cause you to gain even more weight*).
*See scientific references below.
Avoid the Common "Traps"
Stop relying on a fitness, diet and medical industry that's plagued with ineffectiveness and greed.
This program gets you straight away to discovering exactly HOW TO GET HEALTHY, TONE & LOSE WEIGHT and get on the road to a real fix and loving your body again.
The Most Exciting Part...the Results Last
It can get you off the harmful rollercoaster of dieting and prevent more unwanted weight and unhealth.
This is specifically for women and men in North Dallas (near Lewisville) who are ready to take the step to a better body without wasting precious time.

32-Page Manual of the Step-by-Step System ($97 value)

*Provided in drip format.

If you are not completely blown away with the program, I don't want you to pay a dime and will return all your money back to you. If you come and give it a fair try, this is my personal and official guarantee.
We're starting soon so we are required to put a time-limit on it. Many have already scheduled because I’m giving away for a fraction of what most trainers charge $700 to $1,000 for. (That's if they even have these secrets). So all bookings are on a first-come basis.

Dwayne Hardy, 43 y/o

Ilia is 42 with a major sugar addiction that makes her feel like she's old and becoming unattractive.
She tried buying gym memberships, exercises online, bootcamps, and nothing worked. She was frustrated and growing weary. See what happened...
"Lost 7% body fat and 12 pounds in 30 days!"

It's not easy to get results for someone with not much weight to lose, but the 3D Method changed her life. In 30 days, she lost 12 pounds and 7% body fat. But more importantly, her hope in herself was restored. And now she feels energetic, confident and sexy!

How It Works
- How to measure and track RESULTS because knowing is required for motivation and discipline.
- Discover the ONE muscle that is dysfunctional and prevents health and weight loss in 90% of people (and whether it's dysfunctional in you), AND learn how to fix it!
- What foods to eat, and what to stay away from like the plague. You don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive food.
- The "8-minute Exercise" that melts fat away.
- WHEN to Eat, Exercise and Sleep
- How to Improve Sleep For Greater Results
- 10 Traps to Avoid That Slow Results
- Starter Grocery List
- Removing the Top 5 Toxic Foods Everyone is eating that lowers energy, health and makes you gain weight
- Progress Your Exercises
- 5 Unexpected Tips to Increase Energy, Results and Mood
- (Optional) Best Supplements That Accelerate Results and How to Avoid the Bad Products
- How to finish strong and what to do next to maintain it for life!

You notice...
You feel...
But Do it INCORRECTLY and the opposite occurs.

Traditional methods often lead to less energy, water and muscle tissue loss, and irritable mood. It can leave people over 30 feeling depleted, weak, saggy and tired. It's not sustainable...and not healthy.
If you've struggled or failed before, don't worry. It's not your fault.
When you empower yourself with the know-how to health it can completely change the course of your life.
-are busy,
-have put it off for years,
-are too tired or lack energy,
-have aches and pains,
-have failed before,
-have parents who are overweight
-are skeptical of success
People over 30 require a unique plan that targets the hormone and enzymes in the body or they won't process foods and sugar properly leading to low energy, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and excess fat, .
For the first time in history, you can leverage the exact same methods used by the most celebrated athletes, actors, and performers...
Even if you... are over 40-50-60, work long hours, sit too much, or seem addicted to sugar.
Even if you have... failed before with dieting, energy drinks, keto, paleo, or exercising, cravings that are impossible to beat, difficulty exercising, parents who were overweight.
Especially if you have...
The solution is now available to you. But you gotta want it and take the first step toward a method that offers you the best chance of success because failure can hurt. It can make you lose hope, and that's the biggest travesty of all.
Challenge Start Dates:
SEPT 21 (Sat 10:00am)
SEPT 24 (Tue 6:30pm)
Only 60 4 Vouchers Left
713 Hebron Pkwy, Ste 236, Lewisville, TX 75057
(214) 504-2902

(aka. "James Ko", PT, CFA, Pro Trainer, Fitness & Health Scientist)
As a pro trainer, scientist, and physical therapist, Jimmy is the expert on fitness, weight loss and health.
He helps women and men fix their body with all natural means without drugs or crash diets so they can look and feel great again. It speaks to their underlying desire to be confident and perform exceptionally well in their job, sport, leisure and relationships.
James is a science geek.
Early in his career, his fascination with the human body got him hired to work with Olympic and semi-pro athletes. They loved him since he only used proven science-based methods to enhance their bodies and performance. Their success was his success.
Eventually, pro athletes began demanding his services. Boxers, MMA fighters, Ballerinas, Pro football and basketball players alike.
His special and unique programs were only available to the elite, charging tens of thousands per client.
But then, his world was flipped upside down...
His mother Lisa began losing her memory and was diagnosed with Dementia.
He no longer wanted to keep his health and fitness secrets private and only privy to elites.
He believes everyone should have access
to the true science and facts regardless of financial or educational status.
He now offers his expertise to anyone who has a strong desire to make a change in their life. He’s made it affordable enough that anyone can participate and get results quickly like the elites.
As a graduate of Loma Linda University in S. California, one of only 5 Blue Zones in the world (the others are Okinawa (Japan); Sardinia (Italy); Nicoya (Costa Rica); Icaria (Greece)), his background is in all natural and whole body approach to healing and health.
He’s the founder of the “Clinical Excellence Program” for healthcare practitioners, “MultiFunctional Movement” (MFM) for clinicians, and IndeFree a national association for healthcare professionals.
He’s been featured numerously in national healthcare publications such as Advance for Rehabilitation Professionals and more.
He started and founded over 7 clinics on Sports Medicine and is the Physical Therapist Contributor and Reviewer of the book, “Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy” by Kenneth Moses, MD that is used in the top Medical schools in the country.
James’ professional accomplishments are shadowed only by his personal accomplishments.

His compassion led him to serve as a missionary to various countries such as South America, Thailand, Mexico and S. Korea. Youth pastor to kids. And more.
His passion for fitness and performance earned him a Black-belt in Tae Kwon Do and the 1st Place Title in the Northern States Powerlifting Championships.
James’ Favorite Quote
“The voyage to happiness isn't in self discovery but in reinventing yourself as you get older."
The only reason Jimmy is doing this, is because he believes this scientific information should be available to everyone regardless of education or socio-economic status, and not just the elite.
As mentioned before, the cost of the Challenge is just $27. So how can Jimmy charge so little?
The answer...
He knows you're gonna love it and naturally want more services and products from his company, or become a lifelong member.

When does the Challenge start?
Can I buy a voucher now but start later?
What exercises will I do?
Will you tell me what to eat?
How much fat can I expect to lose?
Must I eat and exercise at a specific time?
Must I take a lot of supplements?
I don't eat meat, will this work for me?
Do I get any support?
I don't live in Lewisville, TX, can I still join the Challenge?
How is this tailored to me?
What ages are good for this?
Will I get a six pack by doing this?
What if I have health problems?
Is this better than dieting, gyms, long exercises and pills?
Can I do the exercises on my own?
DISCLAIMER: The results described above are from my personal and other client results. Please understand that a variety of factors go into the results a person may get. I'm not implying that you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Your results may vary and depend on how much time, effort and persistence you put forth. Not to mention your background, experience, and support system may be factors as well. All fitness pursuits entail risk and hard work and if you are not prepared for that, do not sign up for this program.
This site is not part of Facebook and/or Google Inc. It is not endorsed by Facebook and/or Google in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. Youtube and Google are trademarks of Google, LLC.
713 Hebron Pkwy Ste. 236, Lewisville, TX 75057
(214) 504-2902