Did you know there is one muscle in your body that might be causing you to gain weight around your midsection and preventing you from losing it, too?

In over 81% of all Americans, this muscle is weak, tight and problematic.


For many reasons but the primary one is because of all the sitting that we do.

Americans sit a lot!

It’s understandable due to all the convenience and technology that influences our society today.

I mean, come on…
we don’t even need to get out of our chairs to change the channel.
Or get out of our cars to order food, make a deposit,
or grab a coffee.

Heck we don’t even need to leave the house to order food, clothes, or even toilet paper anymore!

Nope, we have it easy.

But is all this sitting good for us?

Scientists say “NO!”

They say that it can take years off our life span, and it’s even worse than smoking.

But today, I want to address how sitting causes ONE muscle in our body to become dysfunctional and how it prevents you from losing the weight you want.

Because God knows, if you’ve ever tried to lose weight,
slim your waist, 
or burn the fat around the hips, thighs, or underarm,
it’s not easy.

I know some trainers, companies and ads might want you to think it’s easy (just to get your money),
but you and I both know
that it’s not.

But the question is, “How does ONE muscle make you gain weight?”

This muscle is one of the most important muscles in your body. It’s a deep core muscle. It connects your spine, to your pelvis, to your hips and thighs.

It’s your “fight or flight” muscle.

When this muscle is tight and weak, it triggers and elevates a hormone in your body that restricts the use of fat for energy and instead breaks down muscle tissue. This is one of the reasons why we get fatter and weaker as we go from 26 to 65 years of age.

The hormone is called “Cortisol.”

It has many proper functions but when it’s elevated for too long, it causes:

  • stress
  • weight gain (mostly around the midsection)
  • puffy, round face
  • acne
  • thinning of the skin
  • easy bruising
  • slowed healing
  • muscle weakness
  • increased blood sugar

This muscle is called the “iliopsoas” muscle and it’s directly linked to the elevation of the cortisol hormone over long periods of time.

(Note: Sometimes past trauma like physical or emotional abuse cause this muscle to become dysfunctional. And it can explain unknown reasons for weight gain. But the good news is, when you normalize it, you can potentially heal from the past trauma.)

In this next session of B21,…

You can learn how to normalize and strengthen this muscle. It only takes 2-min a day but the benefits are immediate and amazing!

It’s like magic… you start to burn fat like you never have before.

But even better,…
you start to feel more at peace,
-your skins glows,
-muscles get tighter,
-and your energy level shoots up!

It’s amazing.

You can sign-up for B21 here.

There’s still time but we will be closing registration soon.

To your health and beauty,


About the Author Amanda Dee

Amanda helps women & men get fit, lose weight, feel great, and become the best version of themselves.
As a certified Yoga and Pilates instructor, her approach to fitness is very unique and effective.
Her studio in Lewisville Texas is a healing haven for those who want personalized guidance.
She loves dogs and animals and being outdoors.
She's a certified Yoga and Pilates instructor with a specialty in nutrition.
It's a pleasure working with her if you ever get the chance.

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